Thursday, February 7, 2013

About me!

So to get started with the blog... let me introduce myself to you!

About me! 
This is the toughest Q when asked in an interview.. ain't it?  (I bet u agree with this!)

Ask my friends… 
n some will say I’m shy & reserved.. some will say I’m a talkative little monster!
Some will say I’m sweet & sensitive, while others will say I’m short tempered & get angry easily!!

… well I’m everything.. rather I am a bit of everything… yes…

As a child, I was shy & reserved, but as I grew up and had friends.. I sure am a talkative brat with my near & dear ones…
I am sensitive.. and sweet too (wink) and short tempered .. well.. with my mum and my hubby! :P… 

I need to be perfect… perfection is the key to my sweetness! ...That's only in some necessary things (and yes! that does not mean my room and my cupboard is spec clean..!!)

To sum it up, I feel I’m like an eagle.. free like a bird.. authoritative, but often a solitary being, having difficulty sharing my personal and innermost thoughts! (dat counts on me being more on the 'shy n reserved' side.. one truly cannot change one's innate nature!)

I’m just like these birds of prey which are some of the wildest of nature’s beings… (but of course, harmless), withholding my pride!... I have an inner core of strength which I have to use quite often.. coz I just feel uncomfortable leaning on others!!!

Well this was to justify my post name... "a leopard cannot change its spots"..

"This is me! n I won’t b changing a bit!"

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